Wio Tracker 1110 Dev Board no sensor data on ttn

I have a Wio Tracker dev board connected to the TTN network.
I also included the code for Costem JavaScript.
Unfortunately the code has a caution symbol in some lines.
I suspect that there is something wrong with the code.
The Wio dev board sends data. They’re just not being evaluated correctly.

Many thanks for the help

I saw that the script for Payload has an error.
How can I fix the errors?
Unfortunately, as a new user, I cannot upload images


Hi, it will be easier to troubleshoot the issue if you can put the error images, you can open a ticket on: https://support.sensecapmx.com/
or just email [email protected], explain your issue in detail and put the error message.

I encountered the same problems.
I think a copy paste is not possible and some lines have to be rewriten.
Probably incompatible hidden characters?