Wio Tracker 1110- Cooling Power Experiment

Wio Tracker 1110- Cooling Power Experiment

So the experiment… I need to take Home Made Ice Cream to a Family Reunion Next Weekend
It will probably be the Hotest Days of the Year… 100+ F and High Humidity

I need to find a way to keep the Ice Cream Cold from the freezer at home to the reunion location and keep it frozen until needed. (Cooler Opened)

I an going to use a cooler… one that is made to keep approximatly 5 gallons of water
It is round as a dinner plate and maybe 2 feet tall

I selected the cooler based on the size and shape… would be able to put the ice cream container into the cooler. Also it was already in my garage…

Also Cooler top is screw on… so less chance of opening before wanted or tampering

Empty and Clean 5 Gallon Cooler

Place 4 x Frozen Jell Packs in Bottom of Cooler

Place Foam Plate in Top of Cooler to separate the tracker from extreme cold of Ice Packs and any Liquid from Melting

Place Tracker on top of Plate

Close On Top of Cooler… Outside n-ot as clean as inside…lol

5 Gallon Water Cooler

Approx18 " tall

Approx 12" Round

Set Up SenseCAP Dashboard

-The Experiment started at 12:30 PM 7-19-2024
A previous experiment showed the temp inside the home Freezer was -5F
It is assumed that the Gell Packs are cooled to that same temp
Everything wal allowed to reach room temp of 73.5 F at 60%RH

The desired data is how long will 4 Gell Packs take to heat sink the cooler body
This should be a downward sloping graph of temperture
when the temp levels out… this will be the amount of heat to obtain equilibrium
Then depending on the movement of the temp… we should be able to determine the battery level left in the Gell Pack
I plan to repeat the test with twice as many Gell Pack
When the battery of the Gell Packs is empty, the temp should rise again

SenseCAP M2 LoRa Gateway is in room directly upstairs… maybe 10-12 feet above (3-4 M) it seems the LoRa signal has no problem penetrating the cooler and celing/floor wood for that distance

Hi there,
Dry Ice is what the Omaha Steaks come packed in. My mom sends now and again…LOL
Dry Ice try that for the long haul, most beer distributors will sell you some.
-30 is that in the range of the temp sensor?
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Its funny thats a new jersey thing… you could buy it in the grocery store at my cousins house in Cape May… we cant get it down here in VA… I get Insulin shipped to me and save the jell packs in the freezer… if we ever have a power outage it should probably last months…

Im surprised you didnt comment about the sock i found behind the door… what da? …lol

My Gell packs are COLD… will actually burn your hands if you handle them too long
I think it acts like a battery so when we open the freezer door it does not cool down at all…

I hope the LiPo is not damaged by the cold

Looks like the cooling battery is empty already

I aborted this phase of the test at 13:30 so i could do other tests
The 4 Gel Packs 2 were 100% melted but still cold… 2 were 90% melted and still cold

I put the tracker back inside to track the rebound of the heat sink of the rest of the cooler insulation