Wio Terminal with TTN Error: CMSGHEX: Length error 11

I am using the Seeed referenced LoRa Node with WioTerminal-IoT Smart Garden Monitor Example, my Wio Terminal will join TTN v.3. However, no data is sent via LoRa, it is failing with the error message: CMSGHEX: Length error 11.

The only code modification I have made, is to use the US Frequency Plan…

int module_AT_Cmd = 0;
typedef struct s_E5_Module_Cmd{
char p_ack[15];
int timeout_ms;
char p_cmd[70];
} E5_Module_Cmd_t;
E5_Module_Cmd_t E5_Module_Cmd[] ={
{"+AT: OK", 1000, “AT\r\n”},
{"+ID: AppEui", 1000, “AT+ID\r\n”},
{"+MODE", 1000, “AT+MODE=LWOTAA\r\n”},
{"+DR", 1000, “AT+DR=US915\r\n”},
{“CH”, 1000, “AT+CH=NUM,8-15\r\n”},
{"+CLASS", 1000, “AT+CLASS=A\r\n”},
{"+PORT", 1000, “AT+PORT=8\r\n”},
{“Done”, 10000, “AT+JOIN\r\n”},
{“Done”, 30000, “”},

I see the device successfully join TTN v.3 over and over again…

link 20:45:39 eui-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Accept join-request
link 20:44:37 eui-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Accept join-request
link 20:43:35 eui-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Accept join-request
link 20:42:33 eui-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Accept join-request
link 20:41:32 eui-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Accept join-request
link 20:40:31 eui-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Accept join-request
link 20:39:28 eui-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Accept join-request
link 20:38:26 eui-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Accept join-request`

But no data is sent via LoRa and there is the error message: CMSGHEX: Length error 11

20:50:09.279 -> E5 LORAWAN TEST
20:50:09.315 -> Humidity: 53 % Temperature: 22 *C
20:50:09.460 -> AT
20:50:09.460 -> module_AT_Cmd = 0
20:50:09.460 -> Cmd Start…
20:50:09.460 -> +AT: OK
20:50:09.496 -> AT+ID
20:50:09.496 -> module_AT_Cmd = 1
20:50:09.496 -> Cmd Start…
20:50:09.496 -> +ID: DevAddr, REDACTED
20:50:09.570 -> +ID: DevEui, REDACTED
20:50:09.642 -> +ID: AppEui, 80:00:00:00:00:00:00:06
20:50:09.715 -> REDACTED
20:50:09.715 -> 8000000000000006
20:50:09.821 -> AT+MODE=LWOTAA
20:50:09.821 -> module_AT_Cmd = 2
20:50:09.821 -> Cmd Start…
20:50:09.928 -> +MODE: LWOTAA
20:50:09.962 -> AT+DR=US915
20:50:09.962 -> module_AT_Cmd = 3
20:50:09.962 -> Cmd Start…
20:50:10.072 -> +DR: US915
20:50:10.108 -> AT+CH=NUM,8-15
20:50:10.108 -> module_AT_Cmd = 4
20:50:10.108 -> Cmd Start…
20:50:10.108 -> 2080/01/05
20:50:10.108 -> 23:59:44
20:50:10.327 -> 23:59:44
20:50:10.327 -> +CH: NUM, 8-15
20:50:10.327 -> AT+KEY=APPKEY,“REDACTED”
20:50:10.327 -> module_AT_Cmd = 5
20:50:10.327 -> Cmd Start…
20:50:10.473 -> +KEY: APPKEY REDACTED
20:50:10.580 -> AT+CLASS=A
20:50:10.580 -> module_AT_Cmd = 6
20:50:10.580 -> Cmd Start…
20:50:10.580 -> +CLASS: A
20:50:10.616 -> AT+PORT=8
20:50:10.616 -> module_AT_Cmd = 7
20:50:10.616 -> Cmd Start…
20:50:10.653 -> +PORT: 8
20:50:10.653 -> Send Jion
20:50:10.653 -> AT+JOIN
20:50:10.653 -> Cmd Start…
20:50:10.719 -> +JOIN: Start
20:50:10.758 -> +JOIN: NORMAL
20:50:11.115 -> 2080/01/05
20:50:11.115 -> 23:59:45
20:50:11.224 -> 23:59:45
20:50:12.137 -> 2080/01/05
20:50:12.137 -> 23:59:46
20:50:12.208 -> 23:59:46
20:50:13.108 -> 2080/01/05
20:50:13.108 -> 23:59:47
20:50:13.216 -> 23:59:47
20:50:14.127 -> 2080/01/05
20:50:14.127 -> 23:59:48
20:50:14.200 -> 23:59:48
20:50:15.123 -> 2080/01/05
20:50:15.123 -> 23:59:49
20:50:15.195 -> 23:59:49
20:50:15.803 -> +JOIN: Network joined
20:50:15.870 -> +JOIN: NetID 000013 DevAddr REDACTED
20:50:15.937 -> +JOIN: Done
20:50:16.112 -> 2080/01/05
20:50:16.112 -> 23:59:50
20:50:16.220 -> 23:59:50
20:50:17.115 -> 2080/01/05
20:50:17.115 -> 23:59:51
20:50:17.224 -> 23:59:51
20:50:18.115 -> 2080/01/05
20:50:18.115 -> 23:59:52
20:50:18.223 -> 23:59:52
20:50:19.127 -> 2080/01/05
20:50:19.127 -> 23:59:53
20:50:19.199 -> 23:59:53
20:50:19.448 -> Humidity: 57 % Temperature: 22 *C
20:50:20.125 -> 2080/01/05
20:50:20.125 -> 23:59:54
20:50:20.195 -> 23:59:54
20:50:21.108 -> 2080/01/05
20:50:21.108 -> 23:59:55
20:50:21.215 -> 23:59:55
20:50:22.136 -> 2080/01/05
20:50:22.136 -> 23:59:56
20:50:22.209 -> 23:59:56
20:50:23.133 -> 2080/01/05
20:50:23.133 -> 23:59:57
20:50:23.205 -> 23:59:57
20:50:24.123 -> 2080/01/05
20:50:24.123 -> 23:59:58
20:50:24.194 -> 23:59:58
20:50:25.128 -> 2080/01/05
20:50:25.128 -> 23:59:59
20:50:25.200 -> 23:59:59
20:50:26.141 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:26.141 -> 00:00:00
20:50:26.318 -> 00:00:00
20:50:27.137 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:27.137 -> 00:00:01
20:50:27.211 -> 00:00:01
20:50:28.141 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:28.141 -> 00:00:02
20:50:28.215 -> 00:00:02
20:50:29.123 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:29.123 -> 00:00:03
20:50:29.229 -> 00:00:03
20:50:29.584 -> Humidity: 52 % Temperature: 22 *C
20:50:30.119 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:30.119 -> 00:00:04
20:50:30.223 -> 00:00:04
20:50:31.107 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:31.107 -> 00:00:05
20:50:31.214 -> 00:00:05
20:50:32.111 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:32.111 -> 00:00:06
20:50:32.223 -> 00:00:06
20:50:33.112 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:33.112 -> 00:00:07
20:50:33.218 -> 00:00:07
20:50:34.137 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:34.137 -> 00:00:08
20:50:34.211 -> 00:00:08
20:50:35.137 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:35.137 -> 00:00:09
20:50:35.212 -> 00:00:09
20:50:36.113 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:36.113 -> 00:00:10
20:50:36.221 -> 00:00:10
20:50:37.120 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:37.120 -> 00:00:11
20:50:37.229 -> 00:00:11
20:50:38.126 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:38.126 -> 00:00:12
20:50:38.196 -> 00:00:12
20:50:39.129 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:39.129 -> 00:00:13
20:50:39.199 -> 00:00:13
20:50:39.733 -> Humidity: 51 % Temperature: 22 *C
20:50:40.129 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:40.129 -> 00:00:14
20:50:40.199 -> 00:00:14
20:50:41.092 -> AT+CMSGHEX=“0016003300000000000000000000000000”
20:50:41.092 -> Send Data
20:50:41.092 -> Cmd Start…
20:50:41.129 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:41.129 -> 00:00:15
20:50:41.205 -> 00:00:15
20:50:41.205 -> +CMSGHEX: Length error 11
20:50:42.133 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:42.133 -> 00:00:16
20:50:42.205 -> 00:00:16
20:50:43.124 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:43.124 -> 00:00:17
20:50:43.231 -> 00:00:17
20:50:44.108 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:44.108 -> 00:00:18
20:50:44.216 -> 00:00:18
20:50:45.129 -> 2080/01/06
20:50:45.129 -> 00:00:19
20:50:45.202 -> 00:00:19
20:50:46.122 -> 2080/01/06

Any suggestions?

Tips to Fix &Â Solve Error Code 11 Windows Issue
Try Resetting your Account from your PC or Device – Launch the Desktop Player.
Run Automatic Skip Driver Utility on your Device or PC – Click on the Start Menu.
Update your Windows Drivers on your PC – Open the 'Device Manager.

Rachel Gomez

When using in US915 mode, the packet size defaults to 11 bytes (as DR0).

After “AT+DR=US915”, send “AT+DR=DR1” to increase this to 53 bytes.