Wio Terminal Python and WiFi


One of the main reasons I purchased the Wio Terminal was for the WiFi. Can you let me know when this will be supported by the MicroPython environment please ?


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Hi @Andrew_Holt

For now, the Wi-Fi on ArduPy is under development, it will be released in Q3. Sorry for any problems caused. We are speeding this process up.

Watching this closely as well, hope you can make it on Q3 already :grinning:

Wow, looking forward to it! :smiley:

Any updates? I’m very excited to use it!


Is Wifi finally enabled for micropython, on WIO Terminal ?

Thank you for the answer.

O. Blain

is there any news ? micropython/circuitpython without wifi and bluetooth is totaly useless

really love this device , but will be perfect (better than M5stack products) if only wireless …

please make an effort.

A Circuitpython example of using Wifi, SD card… and other features would be fantastic…

So far… I can’t find good examples of using a lot of the capabilities in WIO terminal in Circuitpython.

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May we get an update as to when WiFi will be available for Ardupy?



Now we have Q3 in 2022 !
Is there finally a support for WiFi for MicroPython or Circuit Python ?
I’m not a fan of developing on Arduino.

Without the WLAN support on python the device is useless for me.

It’s not even working for me on Arduino, getting an IP address from the WiFi but cannot connect to any server or other device. Opened a new thread for my issue. However, not sure if the Wio Terminal is still maintained.

is the wifi on circuit python example script out yet? kinda shocked Seeed hasnt spent an afternoon to get this library out. Not very encouraging for people to buy more seed mcu products let aloine iot companies develop on it :roll_eyes: :face_with_monocle:

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