Wio Terminal- needs USB driver for Windows 7


Just received a newly minted Wio Terminal. Attempted to upload Blink to the unit using the Arduino IDE and a Windows 7 PC. Problem is Windows 7 not finding a USB driver for the SAMD51. Device Manager shows the error “Other Devices - !Seeed Wio Terminal”. Where can I find this driver?

Thanks, K.

Since Windows 7 has been abandoned by Microsoft, we haven’t had much testing of the system, only an initial use, and there’s no guarantee it will work. @kitemaker

Witam serdecznie sterownik pod Windows 7 działa ,można programować w Arduino. Wio Terminal jest super na razie testuje programy z Arduino .Czekam na sterowniki pod usb na komputer +wio terminal display było by super. OK +

The provided driver does work very well!