Wio Terminal: Implement combined serial UART and upload through USB plus OTA

Today, upload an executable to the Wio Terminal requires disconnecting the serial UART.

Many board exposes combined serial UART and upload through a single USB.

An alternative could be implementing OTA upload for the Wio Terminal.

OTA capabilities, we are also planning, perhaps through Bluetooth, WiFi is a better choice

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And what about the combined serial UART and upload through a single USB?

Now Arduino Bossac is also an OTA upgrade.

@Baoshu That’s great news!

Could you please provide pointers and examples for implementing OTA on the Wio Terminal?

Thank you!

I think the current way of uploading Arduino is a good reference.

Could you please provide an example of OTA upload and update the Wi-Fi Connectivity page accordingly?

For the combined serial UART and upload through a single USB, the boot-loader might need to be changed. Currently, they can’t run together.

Thank you.

This feature is already in the works.The development of a new iot software is slow.

@Baozhu Any update on this topic?

I’ve just resumed using the Wio Terminal with the gas multi-channel sensor.

Thank you!