Wio Terminal - Arduino Serial Communication

Is it possible to connect Arduino Uno and Wio Terminal through Serial?

I connected the Rx pin, Tx pin, and ground following this tutorial: Serial Communication Between Two Arduino Boards - Iotguider

But when I upload the code string “hello” is sent by the arduino but not received by wio terminal?

Sending code:

char mystr[5] = "Hello"; //String data

void setup() {
  // Begin the Serial at 9600 Baud

void loop() {
  Serial.write(mystr,5); //Write the serial data

Receiving Code:

char mystr[10]; //Initialized variable to store recieved data

void setup() {
  // Begin the Serial at 9600 Baud

void loop() {
  Serial.readBytes(mystr,5); //Read the serial data and store in var
  Serial.println(mystr); //Print data on Serial Monitor

JIC, besure to cross the connections, i.e. the TX pin from one goes to the RX pin of the other & you match the baud rate, databit and parity. as well as no flow control.
GL :wink:

Sorry if this is a trivial question @PJ_Glasso, but how can I make sure that the databit, parity, and flow control match between Arduino Uno and Wio Terminal.

nvm, I tried doing Serial.begin(9600, SERIAL_8N1) on both sending and receiving side but it didn’t work. The wio terminal is still not able to read the “Hello” string sent by the Arduino Uno.

You can try the sample program here, which prints the string you enter via the serial port from another development board.

I am using Wio Terminal which seems to have only 1 serial port.

The example above applies to multi serial ports.

I am running multiple sensors on wio which need to communicate with serial and they are kind of blocking the single serial port on wio.

I tested it and it should be fine, the light is blinking when the serial port is sending and receiving. I am using Wio Terminal for sending and UNO for receiving.
I have modified your code, for example the Hello string should be of length 6 (don’t forget the terminator “/0”) and the hardware serial port of the Wio Terminal is Serial1.

@Citric I specified Serial1 for the Wio Terminal.

It works when I send from the Wio Terminal and receive from the Arduino.

But when I send from the Arduino Uno and receive from the Wio Terminal, the code doesn’t work, I don’t see the “Hello” string received in the Wio Terminal’s Serial Monitor.

// Sender - Arduino Uno
char mystr[6] = "Hello"; //String data

void setup() {
  // Begin the Serial at 9600 Baud

void loop() {
  Serial.write(mystr,6); //Write the serial data
// Reciever - Wio Terminal
char mystr[10]; //Initialized variable to store recieved data

void setup() {
  // Begin the Serial at 9600 Baud

void loop() {
  Serial1.readBytes(mystr,6); //Read the serial data and store in var
  Serial1.println(mystr); //Print data on Serial Monitor

This makes me wonder, have you ever used their own serial ports separately? Do they work properly when left alone?

I have used the serial ports separately and they work properly alone.

Does arduino to wio terminal communication work on your side?

Yes, I tested it without a problem.

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@Citric Can you share your wiring. Also did you make any modifications to the code. maybe my arduino uno is buggy.

I have the following wiring.
wio terminal → UNO

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@Citric Thanks very much for your help.

I was able to get the serial communication between Wio Terminal and Arduino working through using an Arduino Mega instead of Arduino Uno. I think this works because the mega has more serial ports (I used Serial1 on both Mega and Wio Terminal).

Thanks again and have a good night (or day) :slight_smile:

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