Wio RP2040 module connection problems

I have been losing my mind over this board for quite some time. I’m trying to connect to my MQTT server with my Seeed Wio RP2040 module with no luck. I have tried going with micropython as per this tutorial: Use MQTT to remotely light up LED lights | Seeed Studio Wiki , but when I manage to upload it and connect to wifi, the code simply freezes at cl.connect() and never resolves.

I have also tried going (my prefered) arduino route using earlephilhower “core” for RP2040 where all examples either do not compile because it thinks the board is not wifi enabled (Seeed XIAO RP2040) or get stuck at uploading forever until I have to unplug it.

This tutorial did not help me either: Wio RP2040 mini Dev Board with Arduino | Seeed Studio Wiki as the board is no longer available through the link provided. (It does not show up in the board manager and I found another article from seeed saying not to use it as it’s depricated…)

I tried using umqtt, some other ethernet libraries in arduino etc. No luck ever.

Does anybody have an idea what to do?