Wio Lite RISC V GD32VF103 Wifi Startup Assistance

Hi all, I’m new to using the Wio Lite series and purchased the Wio Lite RISC V for a simple thermostat project of a couple sensors an Hbridge.

I decided to use the Wio Lite RISC V as an affordable option that will be low power as my application will always be active. I’m having a couple problems that I can’t find any solutions to online, and figured I could use some official support as this product is quite new to the market as I can tell.

I’ve got the board working in a simple Blink LED capacity using the the sample Arduino framework and uploading using the DFU tool. Important to be noted, to get this working I had to use the board ID: gd32vf103v-eval instead of the recommended: wio_lite_risc-v due to missing library files. As of now I still have troubles locating certain drivers:

"C:/Users/Louque/.platformio/packages/framework-arduino-gd32v/cores/arduino/GD32VF103_Firmware_Library/GD32VF103_usbfs_driver", "C:/Users/Louque/.platformio/packages/framework-arduino-gd32v/cores/arduino/GD32VF103_Firmware_Library/GD32VF103_usbfs_driver/Include",

Anyways, onto the main support I’m looking for. I’ll format my main problems by number though going forwards:

1) The sample code at https://wiki.seeedstudio.com/Wio_Lite_RISC_V_GD32VF103_with_ESP8266/#resourse does not compile due to errors with the Serial references that are noted as not declared.
I’m not sure if they are expected to come from the Arduino libraries, or other ones, but I’m not quite sure how to proceed. If these are from some files I’m missing, or where to move forward. There are no working projects based off this that I can find online which is a little discouraging while hacking away with a new MCU.

2) Maybe 1b)?, but is it necessary to have a USB to TTL to program this device for WIFI used through the ESP8266 module?
This one I’ll admit is on me, I didn’t read through all the documentation while purchasing this product and was hoping that there would be some sort of API to use the wifi module. It’s okay if there isn’t as I can spend some time picking apart the sample code, but is the USB to TTL connector needed? I don’t quite understand why the GD32 can’t run code that would ideally connect to an existing network with constant SSID and password. I apologize if I’m being a bit naive on this issue, but I’m genuinely looking for some help here.

These feel like they are pretty basic startup questions, but the online support on this board is less expansive then I expected, so any help is appreciated,


1, What exactly is wrong?If there are any wrong pictures or videos, let me help you to solve them better.
2, You don’t need that.

Thanks for the response :slight_smile:

  1. See the terminal output above. I have no problems changing over some of the signed/unsigned variables to make them match up for the comparison operators. The problem is the serial ports declarations are not anywhere I can see.

This is copied sample code, from the link in my original post, so I’m trying to figure out if I have done something wrong in setup.

In the c_cpp_properties.json file I seem to be missing some drivers as well. Maybe this could be part of the issue. See the image below:

c_cpp_properties.json is a plugin for vscode, just ignore it. From inside your code, there is no proper installation of the arduino package

Oh! yeah that absolutely could be it.

VScode was giving me some issues about the arduino package now that I think about it. I’m going to re install it and see if I can sort out the issues between the two. I’ll report back with whether that was the issue or not

Okay it seems as though the Arduino extension has conflicts with the PIO package withing VSCode.


This link mentions a temporary workaround I would be happy to use by declaring the ports used in the platformio.ini file. I’m going to try to get this to work, but if anyone has some existing code for the platform config file that declared the ports I would need for the WIO Lite Risc V that would help me tons.

Hello. I am suffering the same problem, but disabling extensions on VSCode, as the link suggests, does not solve anything.

I have the ‘Serial not defined in this scope’ error and I am unable to compile.

Any hints?