Wio Link Update Logs

[size=150]Updates @2016-4-25[/size]


  • [*]Support domain and port configuration in server configure.

    [i]Sign In page -> Switch Region -> Custom[/i] [attachment=0]QQ20160425-1.png[/attachment]
  • [*]Support domain and port configuration in exchange server setting.

    [i]If you have deployed a local lean server, modify the data exchange server via operation sequence: left sweep a Wio item in the device list page -> click "Setting" -> Switch on "Use Custom Data Server" (iOS) "Exchange Server" (Android) -> Input server url.[/i]
  • [*]Support sending test request to non-ssl-enabled local exchange server in resources page
  • [*]New grove driver: Grove - mp3 v2.0, Grove - LCD RGB Backlight

    [i]Note that to use Grove - LCD RGB you should jump VCC of Grove - LCD to 5V.[/i]
  • [/list]