Hi there,
We are getting really stuck using MQTT on our WIO GPS Trackers.
The GPRS implementation doesn’t seem to be compatible with any of the MQTT libraries out there.
Can someone please point us in the right direction?
Thank you very much!
Hi there~ Unfortunately, we do not have the library to support MQTT with Wio GPS Tracker(2g) so far. Perhaps, you can consider our Wio Lte, https://www.seeedstudio.com/s/wio%20lte.html. The Wio Lte do support MQTT. You can check the library for Wio Lte below.
<LINK_TEXT text=“https://github.com/SeeedJP/WioLTEforArd … client.ino”>https://github.com/SeeedJP/WioLTEforArduino/blob/master/examples/mqtt/mqtt-client/mqtt-client.ino</LINK_TEXT>
Have a nice day.
Hey does the Wio LTE US Version - 4G, Cat.1, GNSS - Seeed Studio also have the ability to connect over mqtt?
Identify the GPRS module in your WIO GPS Tracker. Many devices use modules like the SIM800 or SIM900.