Wio GPS Board- Building up a Simple HTTP Client Connection

Dear ALL,

I use the following example from Seeed to built up a GPRS connection. I wanted to add to that code a Arduino HTTP Client.

The definition of the WIFI client is as follows:

WiFiClient wifi;

HttpClient client = HttpClient(wifi, serverAddress, port);

Based on the Fact that I have only GSM and not WIFI on Board, how should the HTTP definition look like to do the coding?

On the Header I can see the declaration

GPRS gprs = GPRS().

If I put in the HPPT Client (gprs, serverAddress, port), but it doesn’t work.

Any Ideas?


Which board you are using?

I use the following board:

<LINK_TEXT text=“https://www.exp-tech.de/module/wireless … -YQAvD_BwE”>https://www.exp-tech.de/module/wireless/bluetooth/8232/seeed-studio-wio-tracker-gps-bt3.0-gsm-arduino-compatible?gclid=CjwKCAiApOvwBRBUEiwAcZGdGIZOYEYSh08rdtzKz9ul0vEEY0j0AtSQuqMbxX2Md3zHz0klG-bAUxoCX-YQAvD_BwE</LINK_TEXT>