Wio ESP32 CAN Dev Kit Wiring

I recently bought the ESP32 can dev kit and I am trying to hook it up to my SPI LCD (waveshare 2inch_LCD_Module), I cannot find the correct pin-out diagram to do this… can someone help me? there is only some diagrams that show a XIAO ESP32C3 but that doesn’t really help with this board.

I guess nobody reads these forums?

Hi, I’ve recently been trying some LCDs on my Xiao BLE Sense using the GFX_Library_for_Arduino with success and noticed this might be of some help.


  • Start of Arduino_GFX setting
  • Arduino_GFX try to find the settings depends on selected board in Arduino IDE
  • Or you can define the display dev kit not in the board list
  • Defalult pin list for non display dev kit:
  • Arduino Nano, Micro and more: CS: 9, DC: 8, RST: 7, BL: 6, SCK: 13, MOSI: 11, MISO: 12
  • ESP32 various dev board : CS: 5, DC: 27, RST: 33, BL: 22, SCK: 18, MOSI: 23, MISO: nil
  • ESP32-C3 various dev board : CS: 7, DC: 2, RST: 1, BL: 3, SCK: 4, MOSI: 6, MISO: nil
  • ESP32-S2 various dev board : CS: 34, DC: 35, RST: 33, BL: 21, SCK: 36, MOSI: 35, MISO: nil
  • ESP32-S3 various dev board : CS: 40, DC: 41, RST: 42, BL: 48, SCK:

In particular
ESP32-C3 various dev board : CS: 7, DC: 2, RST: 1, BL: 3, SCK: 4, MOSI: 6, MISO: nil
As I noticed the WIO ESP32 CAN Dev Kit is based on the ESP32-C3 mcu.

Hi, can you give the link of the TFT display that you’re using?

@stuffiwannashare thanks for the info! I will try this out. Although it’s a best guess scenario without the actual pinout from seeed. I am trying to reconcile the info they have on the C3 with the best thing I could find on the Can Dev kit which was the eagle file:
Seeed Studio XIAO ESP32C3

@tepalia02 https://www.waveshare.com/wiki/2inch_LCD_Module

Can anyone at all help with this?