WIO-E5 STM32CubeIDE P2P example

Hi, i bought a Wio-E5 Dev board a while ago and have not been able to send data via the RF subsystem. I could confirm that the chip is capable of sending data with an example binary from an STM-example. But the project was for another chip and when i ported it to the STM32WLE5JC it stoped working. The E5 thaught it was sending something but there was nothing on my SDR (software defined radio). Programing it like a normal MCU works (I2C, GPIO, etc) it’s just the RF subsystem, that i can’t get to work.

Does anyone have a working example for the Wio-E5? The example provided by Seeed Studio is for the wrong chip (STM32WL55) and it doesn’t compile as soon as you touch the ioc file.

So if there was a someone who could help me with a working project, that would be great!