WIO BLINK not working,

Wio Arduino BLINK example does not blink the LED. Everything else seems to work

What products do you use, what Arduino core do you use?If you tell me, I can help you. @JohnF

Only the WIO Terminal. I followed the getting started below exactly and every step was exactly as described except that the LED would not Blink. I then loaded example code for the buzzer and it works as expected. It seems either the LED mapping in the arduino board definition is incorrect or I have a faulty LED.


All software is up to date, downloaded and installed yesterday.

@ansonhe97 Please help check it .

Hi @JohnF

This seems more like a faulty LED, in normal blink, the Blue LED should blink like this

Can you provide a video of it not working please.

I think it is a faulty LED. I have replaced it and now it is working. Thank you.

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Sorry about that and glad it’s working now :smiley: