On 2012-09-06 I asked at the product page if the wifi shield is compatible with Arduino Leonardo. Your answer was yes, then I ordered one.
I received today the wifi shield, but the example from the wiki it is not working with the Leonardo. The sketch does not return from the Wifly.setConfig().
I also have a Duemilanove, that it works ok with the wifi shield.
Dou you have any example how can I send data to Cosm with the Wifly library ?
Hi ,
Sorry that the Wifi Shield can not work with Leonardo at current libraries , we will update it soon .
For the issue that send data to Cosm , there is a tutorial at the link http://arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/PachubeClient
You can refer to the it and just change some code of wiki library (you need a count of Cosm and a feed), here is a example that i used before .
I am already used to Cosm with an ethernet shield.
I did connect with sucess using Wilfy.writetosocket instead of print.
But when a plug some sensors doesn´t connect anymore to api.cosm.com. The sensors are from the Sparkfun weather meter. I am using 2 inputs (A5 and D2), GND and 5V.