wifi shield telnet connection using hardware serial pins


I have bought the wifi shield because it seems it’s beter than the one I have from dfrobot (v1) but I don’t find any information about how to configure it like I want.

Basicaly what I want is using putty or other socket communication software, connect to the wifi shield to an IP & port and send/recieve data with the arduino. this is how I’m controling my robot and how I obtain data from it now with the other shield.

The configuration would be the following:

  • use hardware serial pins (not softserial) D0 & D1 (I use an arduino leonardo so I don’t have any problem using the serial1 with the wifi shield and the other uart which us connected to the micro-usb conector to upload the programs.

  • Uart speed: 115200 databits:8 stopbits 1 parity: none

  • Protocol TCP

  • Mode: server

  • automatically conection to router wifi: SSDI: wifi2 security WPA2: password encrytion _TKIP or AES

  • static IP:

  • mask:

  • DNS:

  • Gateway:

  • incoming conections port: 5000

How can configure the seeedstudio wifi sheild to get this?

Can I just plug the shield change the IP, and connect to this IP and 2000 port?

Can I avoid using the wifly library to get it?

Is there any other option?

Thank you very much in advance

BEst regards


Hey , if u wanna use hardware serial , you can’t display the message on the screen(But leonardo can).


Wifly.setConfig(“SSID”,“PASSWORD”);//here to set the ssid and password of the Router
while(!Wifly.connect(“”,“90”));//connect the remote service

Those red marked words you need input your own info. And don’t forget to open the YFTCPServer.exe(change the IP address and port which you have modified in your program ).

And this library is a older one , and if the version of your wifi shield is a new one (v1.1), you can download the new library from the wiki(seeedstudio.com/wiki/Wifi_Shield_V2.0).

Of course , maybe some other libraries can support our wifi shield , but i havn’t come across it.

Hi Jacket,

I’m a little bit confuse,

Using the configuration you told me:
Wifly.setConfig(“SSID”,“PASSWORD”);//here to set the ssid and password of the Router
while(!Wifly.connect(“”,“90”));//connect the remote service

Is the wifi shield used as a client and the server is running in a PC with IP (“”,“90”)?


is the wifi shield IP is and it accept connection using the port 90?

I want to connect using several devices (but not at the same time) to the arduino through the wifi shield.
For example from a PC using putty, connect to the wifi shield IP and port, then send and receive data
From the movile using a terminal emulator, connect to the wifi shield IP and port, then send and receive data
From roborealm software, using the socket communication module, connect to the wifi shield IP and port, then send and receive data

thank you very much
Best regards

The address of IP you need input your own one of PC. And as for the port “90” , you can set a random one.

And then as you said