I’m using a WiFi shield with Arduino Uno (but I also tested it with a Olimexino board).
I’m using the default TCP sketch.
If I check the communication with the WiFly module I can see a lot of dirty characters.
At the end of the init procedure a TCP channel is opened and it works, but I’d like to understand why I have all this trash in the communication.
Here an example of what I obtain:
$$$CMDset w join 0
)Ñÿÿ joiþ
AOKset comm remote 0
<2.2ùlûeþ½ÿµÿ ÿmote
AOKset w linkmon 5
<2.23> ÿtÝÿ ¥ÿnµÿoþ5
AOKset wlan auth 4
<2.23> ÿtÝÿl¹ÿ Õÿtþ4
AOKset comm idle 0
<2.23> ÿtÿoµÿ ÿlþ0
AOKset w ssid MyWiFi
<2.23> ÿtÝÿ Íÿiþ¥ÿFÿ
AOKset w phrase 1234567890
)Æ&³ +£Ù÷ÁÿÉÿÿe Ñþ1áþÅþ£þ
AOKset ip dhcp 1
)Æ&³ +£Yôþdhcp
<2.23> ÿv5ÖLØ5Ý·ring in config
<2.23> exit
I tried to use different RX/TX pins but the result still the same
What could be the reason?
Something you should to know about.
Everyone has their own IP address,so you need compile it like this" while(!Wifly.connect(“your own IP address”,“90”))"
Hope they might be helpful to you.
The IP thing… EACH device in the network must have a unique IP. So the router (also called the gateway), your computer, your phone etc… ALL get a unique IP address inside your network… so for your programing, just choose one that is not used by other network devices.