Why, Wio Tracker 1110 Dev Board send to TTN data on fport199?

Why is the Wio Tracker 1110 Dev Board sending data on fport199 that cannot be decoded by the TTN Decoder?
I am having trouble because the Air Temperature (measurementId:4097) value cannot be decoded.

[my items]

  • gateway = SenseCAP M2 Multi-Platform Gateway
  • node = Wio Tracker 1110 Dev Board

[test steps]
step1) connect TTN setup
I followed the steps below to connect the Wio Tracker 1110 to TTN.
Connect to TTN | Seeed Studio Wiki

step2) push Wio Tracker 1110 reset button
I pressed the reset button and sent an uplink to TTN.

step3) check the data on the TTS console
Payload was received from Wio Tracker 1110 at fport:199,
but the value of Air Temperature (measurementId:4097) was not decoded.

It seems that the decoder is expecting a payload at fport:5,
so why does Wio Tracker 1110 send at fport:199 instead of fport:5?

[recieve data]
“fport”: 199,
“payload”: “0700000000000000000f890012c50a1802311f28dc0600”

[Wio Tracker 1110 firmwere version]
wio tracker sw: 0.2
LBM versions:
LR11xx system = hw:0x22, type:0x01, fw:0x0307
LR11xx driver = v2.2.0
Modem = v3.3.0
LoRaWAN = v1.0.4.1
Regional params = v1.0.3.2
GNSS = v2.1.0
Wi-Fi = v2.1.0


I dont know much about this… please post any documents or links

For testing purposes, I built and wrote the following firmware (Default_Firmware.ino) to the Wio Tracker 1110 Dev Board.

When I look at the console log of the Wio Tracker 1110, I see “ReSend uplink packet to request current time from Cloud.” repeated.

When I look at the live data received on the TTN site at the same time, I see that the payload “1701BB00000010” is being sent to FPort 199.

It seems that the state transition is not progressing in the Wio Tracker 1110 program.

→ log “wio1110_console_log.txt”
→ log “wio1110_TTN_live_data.txt”

I assume that in the source code Default_Firmware.ino,
Line 155 “if(wm1110_geolocation.time_sync_flag== true)” remains false.

What is the reason why wm1110_geolocation.time_sync_flag remains false? Please let me know.
Or is there another reason?


-------------- log “wio1110_console_log.txt” --------------
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.264] ---------- Booting ----------
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.264] Wio Tracker 1110 Dev Board
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.265] Firmware Version: v0.5
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.268] DevEUI:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.268]
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.268] Region:AS_923_GRP1
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.268]
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.268] Scan geolocation Interval(min):240
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.268]
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.268] Read sensor data Interval(min):60
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.268]
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.532] Semtech LBM versions:
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.532] -LR11xx system = hw:0x22, type:0x01, fw:0x0307
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.536] -LR11xx driver = v2.2.0
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.536] -Modem = v3.3.0
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.536] -LoRaWAN Stack = v1.0.4.1
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.536] -Regional params = v1.0.3.2
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.536] -GNSS = v2.1.0
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.536] -Wi-Fi = v2.1.0
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.536] ----- Reset LR1110 to start Join the network -----
[2024-07-27 00:00:06.536] Request for Join the LoRaWAN network
[2024-07-27 00:00:19.525] ----- JOINED -----
[2024-07-27 00:00:19.525] Send uplink packet to request current time from Cloud.
[2024-07-27 00:00:19.525] Start the timer every 10s to check if there are data need to be sent.
[2024-07-27 00:00:19.525] Set up the first boot packet after Joined
[2024-07-27 00:00:39.300] ----- Timer for 10s -----
[2024-07-27 00:00:49.309] ----- Timer for 10s -----
[2024-07-27 00:00:59.270] ----- Timer for 10s -----
[2024-07-27 00:01:09.288] ----- Timer for 10s -----
[2024-07-27 00:01:09.288] Request uplink at 63026
[2024-07-27 00:01:09.288] Sending Uplink Payload:19 80 00 05 01 00 00 ee 80 ba 00
[2024-07-27 00:01:09.288]
[2024-07-27 00:01:15.815] ----- Send LoRa Uplink Packet Done -----
[2024-07-27 00:01:15.815] Send LoRa Transmit Packet Done at RTC time 69 s,Uplink Packet: 1,Confirm Ack Packet: 1
[2024-07-27 00:01:15.815]
[2024-07-27 00:01:19.295] ----- Timer for 10s -----
[2024-07-27 00:03:09.256] ----- Timer for 10s -----
[2024-07-27 00:03:09.256] ReSend uplink packet to request current time from Cloud.
[2024-07-27 00:03:19.263] ----- Timer for 10s -----
[2024-07-27 00:05:09.288] ----- Timer for 10s -----
[2024-07-27 00:05:09.288] ReSend uplink packet to request current time from Cloud.
[2024-07-27 00:05:19.247] ----- Timer for 10s -----
-------------- log “wio1110_TTN_live_data.txt” --------------
0:00:22 アップリンクデータメッセージの転送 err 0 messages[…] payload"0700000000000000000f9f0012fd0a1802311f28dc0600" valid true 0700000000000000000F9F0012FD0A1802311F28DC0600… FPort 199

0:00:37 アップリンクデータメッセージの転送 err 0 messages[…] payload"17011f00000010" valid true 17011F00000010 FPort 199

0:01:10 アップリンクデータメッセージの転送 err 0 messages[] payload"19800005010000ee80ba00"valid false 19800005010000EE80BA00… FPort 5

0:03:13 アップリンクデータメッセージの転送 err 0 messages[…] payload"1701bb00000010"valid true 1701BB00000010 FPort 199

0:02:58 アップリンクデータメッセージの転送 err 0 messages[…] payload"1701ac00000010"valid true 1701AC00000010 FPort 199

I have been having problems with geolocation not being established I have a tracker and a M2 Gateway… but i dont know anything about MQTT and TTN so i am looking to learn… also Meshtastic… Just to let you know its the weekend so probably will not get the experts involved till monday, but welcome and please continue to contribute

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I think “17011f00000010” is being repeatedly uplinked because I did not implement time synchronization downlink processing on my server.

I would like to write firmware that removes the time synchronization processing to the Wio Tracker1110 and use it.


the source code is on arduino IDE

thanks, I mod and adjust it.
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Wio_Tracker_1110_Examples/examples/LoRaWAN/TheThingsNetwork/W1110_TTN_AirTemp/W1110_TTN_AirTemp.ino at main · fknaopen/Wio_Tracker_1110_Examples (github.com)

custom firmware - no sync time uplink. · fknaopen/WM1110_Geolocation@b305882 (github.com)

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please consider posting more here… we will need alot of help learning how to hack this new device

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