White LED light on nrf52840 sense

Hi, I am trying to get a nice white LED color from the Sense nrf52840 LED, but struggle a lot. Always getting pinkish. Has anyone worked on this and managed to get it working?

Hi there,
So are you using the analog read and write to get you colors?
Post the code you are using and please use the code tags above (</>) paste it in there,
Here is a Basic Tutorial that may help you pay mind to 8:02 for info on the MAP function that will make it easier to convert the range to proper proportions.
255, 255 ,255 should be white but some tweaking may be needed and it depends on the Quality of the LED ,here is the schematic, and to there credit not all the Limit resistors are the same so It should be achievable. Seeeds RBG is a common ANODE device.

GL :slight_smile: