What is the default lorawan header size on the Wio-E5?

Hello community, I am using the Wio-E5 mini LoRaWAN module using AT commands and I would like to know by default the mac header of the LoRaWAN protocol by default for this module of how many bytes it consists of and according to the lorawan protocol in addition to the MIC, what bytes does it add that are only visible to the IoT server or the frame received in these? Understanding that I am using US915 with SF7 and DR3 it should be a maximum packet of 242 bytes, but of those 242 how many bytes are used in the LoRaWAN protocol? Implying how many maximum bytes can I use in the payload.

If you are using SF7 and DR3 with US915, and no additional MAC commands (FOpts = 0), the maximum payload size (FRMPayload) you can use is 229 bytes.

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