What is the BLE antenna used on the Seeed Studio XIAO nRF52840 Sense?

What is the Bluetooth antenna used on the Seeed Studio XIAO nRF52840 Sense?
I check the data sheets and couldn’t find what exact antenna was used in the board.

Product page:

Hi there,
and Welcome here, You can open the wiki page for it and scroll to the bottom. Online schematic viewer , Center the page in the screen and right click reload, Poof the schematic will appear and the BOM tab is in the back on top. Navigate to that and look up the part no#.

GL :slight_smile: PJ

Hi @PJ_Glasso I see the wiki page and at the bottom i see a resources section,

but I don’t see an online schematic viewer.


I tried the STEP file viewer which takes me to https://grabcad.com/library/seeed-studio-xiao-nrf52840-sense-1

But right clicking did load a schematic or a BOM tab. I can only play with the 3d moder viewer and show/hide components.

Hi there,
Hmmm, SMH must have moved, Fire off an email to seeed_Seraphina she’ll get you what’s available. :v:
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Thanks. I DM’d her in this forum. Or is there an email address I can use?

The onboard antenna in XIAO nRF52840 sense is RFECA3216060A1T

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GL :slight_smile: PJ