Weired SPI behavior on Xiao BLE sence run on Zephyr?

I am trying to use SPI on Xiao BLE sence run on Zephyr


int write_e_paper(bool cmd_data, uint8_t content){
	/* cmd_data: 1 => data, 0 => cmd */
	int ret = 0;
    struct spi_config config;
    uint8_t tx_data[1] = {content};
    struct spi_buf_set tx_set ;

    config.frequency = 1000000U;
	config.operation = SPI_OP_MODE;
	config.slave = 0;
	config.cs = cs_ctrl;

	const struct spi_buf tx_buf[1] = {
		    .buf = tx_data,
		    .len = ARRAY_SIZE(tx_data)
    tx_set.buffers = tx_buf; 
    tx_set.count = 1 ;
    gpio_pin_set_dt(&dc_select_pin, cmd_data);
    // k_sleep(K_MSEC(20));

/* For loop back test */
#if 1
    uint8_t rx_data[1];
    struct spi_buf rx_buf[1] = {
		{.buf = rx_data, .len = 1},
    struct spi_buf_set rx_set = { .buffers = rx_buf, .count = 1 };
    ret = spi_transceive(spi_dev, &config, &tx_set, &rx_set);
    printf(" tx_set.count : %d, tx_set->buf->len : %d, tx_set->buf->buf : %02x, tx (i)  : %02x\n",
        tx_set.count, tx_set.buffers[0].len, *((uint8_t *)tx_set.buffers[0].buf), content);
    if (ret){
        printf("%s fail: content : 0x%x, ret: %d\n", __func__, content, ret);
	return ret;

int main(void)
		write_e_paper(0, 0xFF);
		write_e_paper(0, 0x11);

The console output is

 tx_set.count : 1, tx_set->buf->len : 1, tx_set->buf->buf : ff, tx (i)  : ff
 tx_set.count : 1, tx_set->buf->len : 1, tx_set->buf->buf : 11, tx (i)  : 11

But when I check logic analyzer I got 0xEE 0x00

Also My e-paper can not work.

I check my e-paper and logic analyzer on Arduino, both of them work very well.

Nah, I fix it.
It’s MOSI polarity problem.

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