Watchdog library for Wio Terminal

Hi everbody,
is there a recommendation for a watchdog library to be used with Wio Terminal?
Best regards

Hi @RoSchmi

I’ve used this with Wio Terminal: :smiley:

Thank you @ansonhe97, I’ll try it out.

Works fine,
I made a little example to show the function on Wio Terminal for PlatformIo
PlatformIO/Proj/Wio_Terminal_SamCrashMonitorTest at master · RoSchmi/PlatformIO (


Hi @ansonhe97, I am using this WD library with The WIO_Terminal is connected in WiFi with the new rpcWiFi library. Having no way of intercepting the connection routine in case of WiFi disconnection, the connection time is greater than the WDT and therefore the WIO_Termina performs a reset. Do you have a tip to avoid this?

Hi @Gianfry60, perhaps it would be easier for others to propose a solution if they could see your specific code. Seems that @ansonhe97 and others of the team are actually not involved in Wio Terminal stuff :worried:
Kind Regards

Hi @RoSchmi the test code I used is very simple it creates a WiFi connection to an AP and inserts a WD to check the execution of the Loop (). In case of disconnection from the AP to make a new connection the rpcWiFi library takes many seconds and does not release the execution. In this case, not being able to enter the SAMCrashMonitor :: iAmAlive () command; the WD intervenes and resets the WIO Terminal.

In my application I’m using the HTTPClient and close the socket after every request. I’m using the Watchdog as well and didn’t see any problems. I suspect that you are working only with sockets, right?