vs10xx.h:68: error: expected class-name before '{' token ?

Hi all.
I have an Arduino Mega 2560 and the Seeed Music Shield v1.2.
Despite my best efforts, the closet I got was a demo for this uloading and compiling to randomly play music from the sdcard (properly formatted 2gb fat16 with a MP3 on it). I got a bunch of sdcard init errors (like it couldn’t find it or use it), but for the general demos such as playwithname I get the following compile error: vs10xx.h:68: error: expected class-name before ‘{’ token

I have the correct fat16 libaries and the 1.7 version of the library for this shield.

Any assistance is greatly appreciated!

aaaand I’m a dummy.
Needed the new spi lib as well :smiley:

All good now!