Vrms not displayed

DSO nano v.2 firmware 3.33 BenF, 300Hz sine measured but Vrms not displayed “xx”. Why?

Download latest DSO firmware version 3.62:http://www.seeedstudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=12&t=1793
Upgrade your firmware.
And try again,but in our view, your signals have a problem.Your signal looks a mess, Vrms is calculated according to the normal signal.

Long exposure time makes sine blurred. After update to 3.62 no change, Vrms is not shown.

You need a valid trigger before AC measurements can be calculated. Lower your trigger level to somewhere between Vpp min/max and Vrms will show up.

Thanks BenF. How can I get access to the BMP files? When I put in SD (4GB) card then my DSO won’t work.