For a CO2 measurement project, I have several Grove VOC and eCO2 sensors from Seedstudio
With the examples I got results immediately. The sensors are connected to an arduino mkr1010, vía arduino hub.
It is a school project, in which the air quality in the classrooms is measured, and every X time, these values are sent to a server (we maybe modify it so that some leds are lit, or another warning, if the CO2 goes up). During school hours, I measure every 3 minutes temperature, humidity, and also eCO2. But if I take a single sample, the eCO2 value is always the same (almost always). The minimum, which is 400ppm.
I understand that these sensors have to be heated (they work through a resistance). Because, if I have it measuring continuously (every second), the sensor reacts immediately (it takes about a minute to show values different from the minimum), when it is blown, the eCO2 rises. After that, and with fresh air, the value goes down. I have done this with the example of the SeeedStudio test, which measures every second and displays it on the console.
Now, in my code the sensor measures , and then every time the data is sent to the server, it makes the average of the measurements. The other sensors take the data at that time (temperature, humidity, …).
Is this OK? I don’t know, but I thiks its maybe to much measurements.
Another option could be, to take a sample of 1-1.5 minutes at the time of sending the data. That would be, every 3 minutes I take a sample of 1.-1.5 minutes measuremtns of eCO2 (60-90 measurements).
Thank you in advance.