I recently purchased the 3-Axis compass module. I tested on Raspberry Pi 3, works without a fault.
After that I tried to use it on the Nvidia Jetson TX2 but keep getting:
</s>RuntimeError: UPM Runtime Error: BMM150: bmm150_init() failed<e>
Seems it keeps failing on the line in the example code:
</s>sensor = sensorObj.BMM150(1, 0x13)<e>
In I2C detect I can see the compass being on 1 bus and 13 address.
Checked the source library, but to no avail. Didn’t find the real issue. Tried different values and formatting.
Any tips or hints or such on how should this be tackled?
When I do I2Cread, I get value like 0xff and some other codes just give array of 255.
Has anyone encountered this and found a solutions? Or know how shouldit be resolved?
Thank You in advance!