In standard oscilloscopes (CRT) it is the input that I can use to control the horizontal movement.
Very commonly used for measurements like swipe generators to measure frequency response,
spectrum analyzer, etc - i.e. X is the scale (usually it is frequency), Y is the value.
I’ve checked DSO manual but didn’t find that feature - is it possible to do?
Usually what I need is called X-Y mode when horizontal swipe is one channel and vertical -another.
Even Xminilab can do it.
Did I simply missed this feature description from the manual?
The default firmware does not have the X-Y mode, but some of the other mods posted on this forum do. The 8-bit ADC limits the resolution somewhat, though.
True. The max resolution achievable is 256x256 (not considering DSO window size and other factors).
Anyway, the biggest problem is the calibration offset: the DSO MUST be accurately calibrated to display Lissajous patterns correctly