usb Arduino, xbe shield, bluetooth bee


I have the following xbee shield to interface the bluetooth bee to a normal arduino board.

I’ve managed to enable the bluetooth bee to set masteror slave, and enable inquiry mode through realterm program via usb/computer.

But i’m looking to bypass realterm and just send the commands from arduino.

Is that possible? I’ve been trying


Any help with code would be appreciated. thanks.


For the hardware connection, please refer to

For the code, I think after
is ok.

May this helpful to you, and let me know if you have any question.




Thank you for your response. I was successful in transmitting data from the bluetooth bee to my mobile phone.

I found that with just the inquiry command Serial.print("\r\n+INQ=1\r\n"); in setup, it was enough to keep the device in inquiry mode.
void setup() {

I had to borrow the original xbee shield with jumper pins to get it to work. I think I have resolder my shield’s pins.

As a side note, I discovered the normal ‘L’ shaped xbee shield cannot be put ontop of the electronic brick shield due to placement of the shield’s pins, not accepting ICSP pins. I don’t use ICSP that often but some other shields still utilise it, might be something nice to have in the next revision.

Thanks again.


Yes, the execution of command STWMOD will be remembered by the Bluetooth Bee, so it is only need one time. However, the INQ should be used every time to make the module available.

By the way, command “\r\n+STAUTO=1\r\n” will make the module auto-connected to the last paired device, which means you don’t need any command to make the module connected.

Yes, thank you. We are making the new stem for you.

