Upgrade Respeaker core v2 to debian buster

I was wondering if someone had a quick walk-through on how to best update the respeaker core v2 to buster, because rhasspy doesn’t work on stretch.
I tried the traditional way which worked for me before on ubuntu, which means:
1.change every instance of “stretch” to “buster” in the repo list
2. sudo apt update
3. sudo apt upgrade
4. sudo reboot
5. sudo apt dist-upgrade

At first it seemed to complete without problem, until I noticed I was not able to get an IP address assigned from my DHCP server anymore (I am using pi-hole with unbound in docker as my DHCP and DNS servers).
Did I approach this totally wrong and there is another way of upgrading to buster that’s specific for the respeaker? Would anyone who successfully updated to buster be willing to share the steps they took with me? I retried for the 3rd time from scratch now and the result is always the same, I could really need a nudge in the right direction :slight_smile:

(I forgot to mention that rhasspy will run as satellite on the respeaker, all the heavy lifting will be done by a NUC7i5 running ubuntu, but I guess that has nothing to do with my problem…)

Okay since I got no answers so far… Is my question that obvious or stupid that it does not warrant a quick reply? I tried searching the forum but found nothing pertaining to an upgrade to buster…
So do I even need to upgrade to buster is my question I guess? Or does rhasspy run fine in docker on stretch?

Same problem here… I spent a lot of effort on making things work on Buster, but failed.
I did a full-upgrade from Stretch to Buster, but some network-related services don’t work as they did on Stretch.
In my case, I am trying to make the ReSpeaker as an access point, but re-wifi.service doesn’t work on Buster(it fails with a kernel error). My guess for now is that some respeaker-specific packages(which are officially meant only for Stretch) don’t work with Buster, as can also be seen in the link below, which was in the repo list.

You said the upgrade completed without problem, but did the respeaker repo (deb [arch=armhf] http://respeaker.seeed.io/deb buster main) download successfully too?

Hey, sorry it took me so long to answer. Honestly it has been a long time since I did this and I can’t quite remeber if the repo downloaded or not… Since then I switched to an rpi3 model b to which I added an respeaker 2 mic piHat. I am also running rhasspy in a docker container on this setup now, and everything works fine, except for the odd case that sometimes rhasspy doesnt understand my commands. But all in all I’m quite satisfied with this.
My next step will be trying to make it run on an rpi0, since the hat and zero have the same size and put it in an enclosure. Hopefully the enclosure wont interfere with the mics ability to pick up sound though.

Since it’s only a zero I also might just install it directly, without docker because I’m not sure the zero can handle running docker containers.

It’s really a shame, since I loved the DoA and Beam focusing with the respeaker core, and the grove ports where nice to have too… But it seems like Seeed dropped the respeaker core and are not improving on it anymore. :frowning: .

But if I have the time I might try to do the upgrade again, at the moment I have a lot of HomeAssistant automations to implement and configure :wink:

Did you have any success since then?

The support for the respeaker is non existent. I will never buy a Seeed product again because of it.

Have you gotten any further getting your project working? I had it working when I used their pre-loaded Buster. But after I did another software install and rebooted the respeaker failed. I have tried to reinstall the kernel drivers but it has not worked.

I myself recently bought a miracle device Raspeaker Core v2.0 19.03.2023. I raised Rhasspy and Home Assistant in Docker on it, but unfortunately there is no support, but there is good documentation and I have some understanding in Linux and that’s what I was able to do. I wrote the instructions, you can repeat. But if there is no need for Debian 10, then it is better not to upgrade to Debian 10, otherwise there will be problems with sound or with the microphone. If I found a solution with sound, it’s just installing a driver, then the microphone doesn’t want to work. I don’t understand why with the same Debian 10 installation I have different problems, then with sound, then with the microphone

How to upgrade from Debian 9 to Debian 10 (it is not advisable to do, it is better to stay on Debian 9.5)
#respeaker core v2 - Debian 10 Buster - #6 by DivanX10

How to install Docker on an SD card

How to install Rhasspy on Debian 10

How to make pixel king work, pixel ring also works successfully on Debian 10

I will add an important thing, this is if you put the Debian image on the SD card, i.e. use the image respeaker-debian-9-iot-sd-20180801-4gb.img.xz. I took images here

As you know, there is only 4 GB of space on ReSpeaker Core v2.0, and this is not enough, so I use a 32 GB SD card, and since when installing the OS on the card, the system uses 4 GB of space anyway, then there is a need to expand the root partition without losing data and the bootloader

This is how it is done

Output a list of sections

df -h

Output a list of disks

fdisk -l

Outputs a tree-like output that includes all block devices connected to the operating system


We find our boot partition (your partition will be named differently), it looks like this. Knowing that the size is incorrect and it should be larger than it is, then you need to change the size from 3.1 to 32G
/dev/mmcblk0p2 3.1G 2.5G 467M 85%

Change the size

sudo cfdisk /dev/mmcblk0

Rebooting Debian

sudo systemctl reboot

Then we reboot and after the reboot the root partition will have all 32G