Up-to-date working ESPHome sketch to use Respeaker Lite as Voice Assistant with HA?


After having spent hours to try to find an up-to-date ESPHome sketch for Respeaker lite to use it as Voice Assistant, I’m out of solution :frowning: None are working properly or don’t compile anymore as ESPHome got too many breaking updates since :frowning:
Even the demo sketch on Seeed Wiki is not compiling anymore since a while !
Someone succeeded to get it working as Voice Assistant with HA ?



Hi Vincèn,

Sorry for late reply. Could you please share your ESPHome’s version? Are you using our YAML file from

As for Arduino Sketch, could you please tell us which sketch cannot compile or won’t work after upload?

Possibly upload error in ESPHome if you use our original YAML config:

Perhaps you need to modify the configurations in YAML:

  name: esp32s3
  friendly_name: ReSpeakerv3
    build_flags: -DBOARD_HAS_PSRAM
    board_build.arduino.memory_type: qio_opi
    board_build.f_flash: 80000000L
    board_build.flash_mode: qio 

  board: esp32-s3-devkitc-1
    type: esp-idf

After changing the corresponding build configurations, at least I was able to flash the firmware to ESP32S3 on board reSpeaker Lite (not too successful running though):

Hi Kevin

Thanks for your follow-up and I was trying to compile the sketch supplied on Wiki but it doesn’t work anymore with current ESPHome version (2024.12.4). I have found a sketch that is up to date and works perfect now with Respeaker Lite. I include it below and perhaps I should submit a PR for the wiki to update the sample code for ESPHome no ?



the main yaml file:

  respeaker-satellite: !include common/respeaker-satellite-base.yaml

  name: voice_assistant
  friendly_name: respeaker-satellite


  ssid: !secret wifi_ssid
  password: !secret wifi_password

Can’t post the include as too big for forum !

If there are any links available, you may paste the links. We shall see what modifications were made and update accordingly.

Thanks. :smiley:

Please try this config file from the community: GitHub - formatBCE/Respeaker-Lite-ESPHome-integration

And we will update the yaml config file in our wiki ASAP :sweat_smile:

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here it is: https://group.vincen.org/index.php/s/yfgAkmx8Gf4Z6oH Let me know when you get it so I can delete the file after :wink:

Well received, and you may delete as you want. By comparing with the one that in GitHub link, they are almost identical, thanks to formatBCE, we now have a working configuration file.

We will update our wiki and notify our user with this new version. Also thanks @vincen for your feedback!

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