I’ve got my Arduino Uno R3 on the bottom, my Ethernet Shield v1.1 on top of it, and my SD shield 3.1 on top. Testing separately, I can do Uno + Ethernet, Uno + SD, but not Uno + Ethernet + SD. (Inserted headers on the bottom of my SD shield to let me place it on my Ethernet…) My understanding is that the stacking order can’t be Uno + SD + Ethernet, due to the ISP pins, though I’ve tried ‘unstacking’ and connecting the Ethernet through jumping the ISPs together, and plugging in Ground and power to my project’s associated bread board.
From a thread seen somewhere, I do have pin 10 of my SD “clipped”, with a jumper then between pin 10 and pin 4. I then set the SD_ChipSelectPin to be 4 (run SD.begin(4)). I’m also running into fit issues: the SD shield wants to pop off of the Ethernet shield.
Would love any suggestions… Running right up close on a deadline here. Although I’d prefer not to invest further funds or risk trying some new combination of hardware, I am a soldering newbie, so if the “right” answer is to upgrade my Ethernet Shield to the one with the associated SD card (v4, I believe), to avoid the whole shield stacking challenge, open to that. Would still like to hear how I could have resolved it, though, so that once the deadline’s passed, I can experiment a bit further and fill in some gaps.