Hey all, i’m using the WiFi shield 1.1 with Arduino UNO and the WiFly lib to use the shield.
It is all working but i keep reading some strange characters (here written in red) when i read the Serial output, as follow:
As you can see, is full of useless strange characters.
I tried anything in my quite little knowledge but i’m still getting those chars, can anyone suggest me what may it be?
Here is the code that produce this output:
#include "Wifly.h"
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
const int WiFiRx = 2;
const int WiFiTx = 3;
WiflyClass Wifly(WiFiRx,WiFiTx);
const char WiFiName[] = "[SSIDNAME]";
const char WiFiPassword[] = "[PSW]";
void setup()
Serial.begin(9600); //Use the hardware serial to communicate with the PC
Serial.println("***** Init *****");
Wifly.init();//Initialize the wifishield
Serial.println("***** Config *****");
Wifly.setConfig(WiFiName,WiFiPassword); //Here to set the ssid and password of the Router
Serial.print("***** Joining ");
Serial.println(" *****");
Serial.println("***** Check *****");
Serial.println("***** GO! *****");
(i cutted some useless part)