Unable to upload to XIAO BLE with Arduino IDE 2.0.0

I am trying to use Arduino IDE 2.0.0.
Compilation finishes successfully., but uploading to XIAO BLE, I get the following message and cannot upload.

“Property ‘upload.tool.serial’ is undefined”

With XIAO SAMD21, I am able to upload without any problem.
Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

Same issue , Re Pick the board and port each time look at the status bar below and see that it reflects the right choice. before and even during the compile and upload. I made a video of it . slow it down to follow along. HERE and my Describing the problem verbiage.

GL :slight_smile:

Thank you very much for your reply.
After trying many things, I found that “mbed 1.0.0” is fine, but “mbed 2.6.1” and “mbed 2.7.2” cause problems.
IDE 2.0 still seems to be unstable, so I will use IDE 1.8.19 for the time being.

Hi, I tried to find the Seeed nrf52 with adafruit core, but I even can’t find on Arduino 2.0 the board? :confused: How did you find it?

I added the boards with the board manager(pic)

, follow the Arduino how to for adding them. I believe the Seeed Wiki has the link for the boards, I don’t remember exactly. But it does work very well.
You do have to select the board each time you Compile or upload, verify the connection via the status bar message whether its connected or Not.
GL :slight_smile:

Did you add the board manager URL in preferences?

From the Seeed website:
Navigate to File > Preferences , and fill “Additional Boards Manager URLs” with the url below: https://files.seeedstudio.com/arduino/package_seeeduino_boards_index.json

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2.0 boards looks like this, Some AVR boards as well are installed.

GL :slight_smile: