We tested LoRa wio e-5 using AT factory firmware initially and it worked fine.Now after erasing AT firmware and using STM32CubeIDE we are trying to connect wio-e5 dev kit to the things network LNS with our sensecap m2 gateway which is also connected to TTN and sending data, but our wio-e5 is not connecting to TTN application server. We followed the seeed studio’s github documentation for this. We have set our dev eui, join eui, and appkey in the macros of se-identity.h file in STM32CubeIDE according to our generated TTN application server details.
LoRa wio-e5 configuration:
STM32 configuration:
Package: Lorawan_endnode_main (with HAL for STM32WLE)
Mode: OTAA
Region: EU868
Low power mode: disabled
TTN end device configuration:
Frequency plan: Europe 863-870 MHz (SF9 for RX2 - recommended)
LoRaWAN version: LoRaWAN Specification 1.0.2
Regional Parameters version: RP001 Regional Parameters 1.0.2 revision B
We didn’t modify anything in the se-identity.h other than the above mentioned EUI id’s.
Wio e-5 is not joining the TTN network even after correctly following all the steps mentioned in the seeed studio’s github documentation
14:34:37.496 → APP_VERSION: V1.1.0
14:34:37.496 → MW_LORAWAN_VERSION: V2.3.0
14:34:37.496 → MW_RADIO_VERSION: V1.1.0
14:34:48.480 → ###### OTAA ######
14:34:48.782 → ###### AppKey: E1:5E:40:34:76:81:F5:16:07:60:00:CC:37:00:35:10
14:34:48.782 → ###### NwkKey: E1:5E:40:34:76:81:F5:16:07:60:00:CC:37:00:35:10
14:34:48.782 → ###### ABP ######
14:34:48.782 → ###### AppSKey: 21:7E:15:16:28:41:D7:A6:74:F7:E1:88:01:CF:4F:3C
14:34:48.782 → ###### NwkSKey: 21:7E:15:16:28:41:D7:A6:74:F7:E1:88:01:CF:4F:3C
14:34:59.915 → ###### DevEui: 2C:F1:F5:20:41:20:AB:8C
14:35:00.226 → ###### AppEui: 52:51:20:69:2E:54:48:26
14:35:00.226 → ###### DevAddr: 15:F9:45:F1
14:35:10.379 → 32s894:TX on freq 868100000 Hz at DR 0
14:35:32.175 → 54s676:MAC txTimeOut
14:35:33.910 →
14:35:33.910 → ###### = JOIN FAILED
14:35:58.169 → 80s677:temp= 27
14:35:58.169 → 80s677:VDDA= 254
14:36:04.850 → 87s350:TX on freq 868500000 Hz at DR 0
14:36:26.633 → 109s140:MAC txTimeOut
14:36:28.341 →
14:36:28.341 → ###### = JOIN FAILED
14:36:28.385 → 110s892:temp= 26
14:36:28.385 → 110s892:VDDA= 254
14:36:35.036 → 117s564:TX on freq 868100000 Hz at DR 0
14:36:56.816 → 139s346:MAC txTimeOut
14:36:58.567 →
14:36:58.567 → ###### = JOIN FAILED
14:36:58.567 → 141s098:temp= 26
14:36:58.567 → 141s098:VDDA= 254
14:37:05.236 → 147s769:TX on freq 868500000 Hz at DR 0
14:37:27.040 → 169s564:MAC txTimeOut
14:37:28.759 →
14:37:28.759 → ###### = JOIN FAILED
14:37:28.759 → 171s316:temp= 27
14:37:28.759 → 171s316:VDDA= 254
14:37:35.472 → 177s988:TX on freq 868500000 Hz at DR 0
14:37:57.225 → 199s786:MAC txTimeOut
Any suggestions on how to solve this issue?
Thanks in advance for the solution.