Uf2 offset address of Wio Tracker1110 Dev Board?

Converting the .bin file of the Wio Tracker1110 Dev Board to a .uf2 file, what address should I specify? (e.g. 0x4000, 0x2000, etc.)


Unfortunately, I could not find this answer in the wiki page either: Get Started with Wio Tracker 1110 | Seeed Studio Wiki

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Hi there if I may,
Look at the thread I did about converting the Bin to Uf2 etc.and how to export a single binary to a hex
When you do a successful compile it’s in the lines after the espytool?
They are listed and it’s explained in that thread also.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Booloader.bin, App.bin partition, partition, & boot App.bin Note: the addresses to the right.

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and this one are good to know how…

GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

extra credit , this one too!

Is it OK to use 0x26000 as the offset address?


Hi there,
Now if I look at that I would say NO!
Have you compiled anything for it that passes?
Have you uploaded anything to it successfully?

Start with the Boot loader 0x0
APVT 0x2 6000 is for the APP boot
just stay away from the Lora Modem stuff.
Upload something to it and look at the correct lines and you w

Provide the compiled output I can see which are used. Did you read any of the making production bin stuff?

For the Wio Tracker 1110 Dev Board, the recommended conversion is from .hex to .uf2.
Since the .hex file contains addresses, there is no need a start address.

Use uf2conv.py to convert from .hex to .uf2. See here.

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Hi @PJ_Glasso ,
Are you confused with XIAO products?
Adafruit nRF52 Bootloader is installed on the Wio Tracker 1110 Dev Board.

Hi there,
I did not know that, Thanks ! :+1:
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Thank you. I’ll try it.