TTN3 Connection Problem over LAN

Hey Forum,
I have the Problem that my M2 is only connecting to TTN3 over WIFI. If I try to use LAN its directly offline. I am able to run the speedtest and ping different websites from the Gateway Console. I am using Packet Forwarder, but I also tried with CUPS and LNS connecting, both without success.

Thanks for your help

Hi there,
How do you do the IP ? DHCP or Static, I recall that being a thing on one of them.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

@PJ_Glasso right now I am using DHCP bacause I am in a company network, but I am waiting for my static IP Adress.
The connection is there, but offline in the TTN Console :smiley:

Hi there,
so if you power cycle it does it show up on-line? then goes away after a time period or no?
if so try sending some data to it, & check again.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

No its “online” till I switch off :smile: I tried to send data over TTN but they are not receiving the Gateway. I checked in the console… If I connect to my wifi hotspot, I am receiving instant the data/downlinks…

Hi there,
Wow, Kinda nutty , What about the MAC address?
With wifi it’s passed , with LAN it’s the Routers MAC Address, does it support a mac spoof in router?
look if they are different, also did you register the Gateway over the Wifi and now it’s moved to the LAN?
try adding another , Don’t delete the WIFI one.
long shot?
GL :slight_smile: PJ

My LAN looks like this

HI there,
Ah’ I see…
I’m toast :bread:, I’ll sleep on it… :sleeping: Let you know if I come up with anything else, I have seen this b4 pretty sure.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

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Hi there,
Yea, got to be a filter there, You got same WAN IP, I see one is a Bridged LAN the other is a WAP or EitherNet 2 port?. So captain obvious in me asks about firewall rules ? any AV running on the system.
basic stuff like that. Your getting Filtered is what I’m feeling.
should work all things being equal. I have seen it the other way plenty of times, where a WAP filters out stuff from different ports , etc. but not that on a LAN. If it’s a company lan then it is being filtered. try putting it in a DMZ see if it makes it through.
GL :slight_smile: PJ

Good morning from Germany,

yes I will try it at home in my private network. To ckeck If its working… We already checked the Firewall there are no blocked IP-Adresses reffering TTN. But yeah maybe I am filtered :smiley:

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