Trouble with SPI communication using Adafruit display

Recently been tearing my brain out trying to figure out what I’m missing from this.
I’ve been using the Adafruit Image reader library example code for the 240x240 1.3” display, (works perfectly on Arduino) but can’t seem to achieve the same result on the Xiao. I don’t really know much about spi communication, such as if it needs to be initialized for the xiao, or even how to do so.

 // Adafruit_ImageReader test for Adafruit ST7789 320x240 TFT Breakout for Arduino.
// Demonstrates loading images to the screen, to RAM, and how to query
// image file dimensions.
// Requires three BMP files in root directory of SD card:
// parrot.bmp, miniwoof.bmp and BANNED.bmp.
// As written, this uses the microcontroller's SPI interface for the screen
// (not 'bitbang') and must be wired to specific pins (e.g. for Arduino Uno,
// MOSI = pin 11, MISO = 12, SCK = 13). Other pins are configurable below.

#include <Adafruit_GFX.h>         // Core graphics library
#include <Adafruit_ST7789.h> // Hardware-specific library for ST7789
#include <SdFat.h>                // SD card & FAT filesystem library
#include <Adafruit_SPIFlash.h>    // SPI / QSPI flash library
#include <Adafruit_ImageReader.h> // Image-reading functions

// Comment out the next line to load from SPI/QSPI flash instead of SD card:
#define USE_SD_CARD

// TFT display and SD card share the hardware SPI interface, using
// 'select' pins for each to identify the active device on the bus.

#define SD_CS    4 // SD card select pin
#define TFT_CS  6 // TFT select pin
#define TFT_DC   3// TFT display/command pin
#define TFT_RST  5 // Or set to -1 and connect to Arduino RESET pin

#if defined(USE_SD_CARD)
  SdFat                SD;         // SD card filesystem
  Adafruit_ImageReader reader(SD); // Image-reader object, pass in SD filesys
  // SPI or QSPI flash filesystem (i.e. CIRCUITPY drive)
  #if defined(__SAMD51__) || defined(NRF52840_XXAA)
    Adafruit_FlashTransport_QSPI flashTransport(PIN_QSPI_SCK, PIN_QSPI_CS,
      Adafruit_FlashTransport_SPI flashTransport(SS, &SPI);
      Adafruit_FlashTransport_SPI flashTransport(SS1, &SPI1);
  Adafruit_SPIFlash    flash(&flashTransport);
  FatFileSystem        filesys;
  Adafruit_ImageReader reader(filesys); // Image-reader, pass in flash filesys

Adafruit_ST7789      tft    = Adafruit_ST7789(TFT_CS, TFT_DC, TFT_RST);
Adafruit_Image       img;        // An image loaded into RAM
int32_t              width  = 0, // BMP image dimensions
                     height = 0;

void setup(void) {

  ImageReturnCode stat; // Status from image-reading functions

  while(!Serial);       // Wait for Serial Monitor before continuing

  tft.init(240, 240);           // Init ST7789 172x320

  // The Adafruit_ImageReader constructor call (above, before setup())
  // accepts an uninitialized SdFat or FatFileSystem object. This MUST
  // BE INITIALIZED before using any of the image reader functions!
  Serial.print(F("Initializing filesystem..."));
#if defined(USE_SD_CARD)
  // SD card is pretty straightforward, a single call...
  if(!SD.begin(SD_CS, SD_SCK_MHZ(10))) { // Breakouts require 10 MHz limit due to longer wires
    Serial.println(F("SD begin() failed"));
    for(;;); // Fatal error, do not continue
  // SPI or QSPI flash requires two steps, one to access the bare flash
  // memory itself, then the second to access the filesystem within...
  if(!flash.begin()) {
    Serial.println(F("flash begin() failed"));
  if(!filesys.begin(&flash)) {
    Serial.println(F("filesys begin() failed"));

  // Fill screen blue. Not a required step, this just shows that we're
  // successfully communicating with the screen.

  // Load full-screen BMP file 'adabot.bmp' at position (0,0) (top left).
  // Notice the 'reader' object performs this, with 'tft' as an argument.
  Serial.print(F("Loading adabot.bmp to screen..."));
  stat = reader.drawBMP("/adabot.bmp", tft, 0, 0);
  reader.printStatus(stat);   // How'd we do?

  // Query the dimensions of image 'miniwoof.bmp' WITHOUT loading to screen:
  Serial.print(F("Querying miniwoof.bmp image size..."));
  stat = reader.bmpDimensions("/miniwoof.bmp", &width, &height);
  reader.printStatus(stat);   // How'd we do?
  if(stat == IMAGE_SUCCESS) { // If it worked, print image size...
    Serial.print(F("Image dimensions: "));

  // Load small BMP 'BANNED.bmp' into a GFX canvas in RAM. This should fail
  // gracefully on Arduino Uno and other small devices, meaning the image
  // will not load, but this won't make the program stop or crash, it just
  // continues on without it. Should work on Arduino Mega, Zero, etc.
  Serial.print(F("Loading BANNED.bmp to canvas..."));
  stat = reader.loadBMP("/BANNED.bmp", img);
  reader.printStatus(stat); // How'd we do?

  delay(2000); // Pause 2 seconds before moving on to loop()

void loop() {
  for(int r=0; r<4; r++) { // For each of 4 rotations...
    tft.setRotation(r);    // Set rotation
    tft.fillScreen(0);     // and clear screen

    // Load 4 copies of the 'miniwoof.bmp' image to the screen, some
    // partially off screen edges to demonstrate clipping. Globals
    // 'width' and 'height' were set by bmpDimensions() call in setup().
    for(int i=0; i<4; i++) {
      reader.drawBMP("/miniwoof.bmp", tft,
        (tft.width()  * i / 3) - (width  / 2),
        (tft.height() * i / 3) - (height / 2));

    delay(1000); // Pause 1 sec.

    // Draw 50 Welsh dragon flags in random positions. This has no effect
    // on memory-constrained boards like the Arduino Uno, where the image
    // failed to load due to insufficient RAM, but it's NOT fatal.
    for(int i=0; i<50; i++) {
      // Rather than reader.drawBMP() (which works from SD card),
      // a different function is used for RAM-resident images:
      img.draw(tft,                                    // Pass in tft object
        (int16_t)random(-img.width() , tft.width()) ,  // Horiz pos.
        (int16_t)random(-img.height(), tft.height())); // Vert pos
      // Reiterating a prior point: img.draw() does nothing and returns
      // if the image failed to load. It's unfortunate but not disastrous.

    delay(2000); // Pause 2 sec.

Any help is appreciated.
Edit: of course the minute after I find my answer. Or at least a start. SAMD21: are color BMP icons possible? · Bodmer/TFT_eSPI · Discussion #1674 · GitHub

Realized I might have posted to the wrong tab.

Hello, could you tell me how do your connect it? And you should add “D” before the pin number like D4