I had a great interview with Greek maker and expat, Nikos regarding his project TimeSquare2. Part of it you can find here:
<LINK_TEXT text=“https://blog.seeedstudio.com/blog/2018/ … ber-nikos/”>https://blog.seeedstudio.com/blog/2018/10/18/timesquare2-a-natural-iot-clock-by-x-factory-member-nikos/</LINK_TEXT>
It is interesting to hear of how Nikos went through step by step the thought process behind the improvements that went into each prototype.
Nikos makes the most of Seeed’s resources including our partner maker space x.factory and the Seeed Fusion PCB service. I hope we can also help out with the Kickstarter campaign.
Best of luck!
Nice project. Best of luck.
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