Time between two connections to the Lora gateway (Lora E5 Mini device)

I have several Lora E5 Minis. They work fine when trying to connect to the Lora Gateway every 10 seconds (it is the default period of time for this device when I program it using STM 32 CubeIDE). I want to extend this period to 1 minute. How do I do it using the STM 32 CubeIDE? Can I find it inside the IOC file?

Look for a HAL_Delay() or a similar function that specifies the delay between transmissions.
If you find HAL_Delay(10000); (10 seconds in milliseconds), change it to HAL_Delay(60000); (1 minute in milliseconds).

I found it alone but have not tested it yet because my infrastructure isn’t in my town or home, and I will be there after a few days.

Thank you for being so supportive,

I will answer when I am there, and I hope it will work as expected.

@liaifat85 it works nice :slight_smile: