Text orientation is not working correctly

The text orientation is not working correctly

Using 2.8 inch TFT Touch Shield v2.0 (seeedstudio)

Below is my code. Every time I clear the screen the text direction is getting reversed and self corrects itself randomly. Any suggestions, please.

#include <HID.h>

#include <SPI.h>

#include <stdint.h>

#include <TFTv2.h>

TextOrientation orientation = LANDSCAPE_UPSIDE_DOWN;

char volt[] = " mVs";

const float delayTime = 2000;

void setup() {

TFT_BL_ON; // turn on the background light

Tft.TFTinit(); // init TFT library

Tft.fillScreen(0, 240, 0, 320, WHITE);



void loop() {


Serial.print(“Blue zone”);


draw_blue_zone(5, 42);



Serial.print(“Green zone”);


draw_green_zone(25, 82);



Serial.print(“Red zone”);


draw_red_zone(45, 122);




void draw_red_zone(float tempCelcius, float tempFh)


//int drawString(char *string, int poX, int poY, int size);

Tft.drawRectangle(0, 0, 30,319,WHITE);

Tft.drawString(“Its HOT in here”, 15, 5, 3, RED, orientation);

Tft.drawRectangle(35, 5, 110,310,RED);

Tft.drawRectangle(36, 6, 110,310,RED);

//orientation = LANDSCAPE_UPSIDE_DOWN;

Tft.drawString(“Temperature”, 160, 40, 2, BLACK, orientation);

char tempC[5]; // Buffer big enough for 7-character float

dtostrf(tempCelcius, 4, 1, tempC); // Leave room for too large numbers!

Tft.drawString( tempC, 140, 65, 4, RED, orientation);

Tft.drawString( “O”, 120, 65, 2, BLACK, orientation);

Tft.drawString( “C”, 90, 65, 4, BLACK, orientation);

char tempF[5]; // Buffer big enough for 7-character float

dtostrf(tempFh, 4, 1, tempF); // Leave room for too large numbers!

Tft.drawString( tempF, 140, 100, 4, RED, orientation);

Tft.drawString( “O”, 120, 100, 2, BLACK, orientation);

Tft.drawString( “F”, 90, 100, 4, BLACK, orientation);


void draw_green_zone(float tempCelcius, float tempFh)


//int drawString(char *string, int poX, int poY, int size);

Tft.drawRectangle(0, 0, 30,319,WHITE);

Tft.drawString(“Its NICE in here”, 15, 5, 3, GREEN, orientation);

//Tft.drawRectangle(0, 10, 239,300,WHITE);

Tft.drawRectangle(35, 5, 110,310,GREEN);

Tft.drawRectangle(36, 6, 110,310,GREEN);

Tft.drawString(“Temperature”, 160, 40, 2, BLACK, orientation);

char tempC[5]; // Buffer big enough for 7-character float

dtostrf(tempCelcius, 3, 1, tempC); // Leave room for too large numbers!

Tft.drawString( tempC, 140, 65, 4, GREEN, orientation);

Tft.drawString( “O”, 120, 65, 2, BLACK, orientation);

Tft.drawString( “C”, 90, 65, 4, BLACK, orientation);

char tempF[5]; // Buffer big enough for 7-character float

dtostrf(tempFh, 4, 1, tempF); // Leave room for too large numbers!

Tft.drawString( tempF, 140, 100, 4, GREEN, orientation);

Tft.drawString( “O”, 120, 100, 2, BLACK, orientation);

Tft.drawString( “F”, 90, 100, 4, BLACK, orientation);


void draw_blue_zone(float tempCelcius, float tempFh)


//TextOrientation orientation;

//orientation = LANDSCAPE_UPSIDE_DOWN;

//int drawString(char *string, int poX, int poY, int size);

Tft.drawRectangle(0, 0, 30,319,WHITE);

Tft.drawString(“Its COLD in here”, 15, 5, 3, BLUE, orientation);

//Tft.drawRectangle(0, 10, 239,300,WHITE);

Tft.drawRectangle(35, 5, 110,310,BLUE);

Tft.drawRectangle(36, 6, 110,310,BLUE);

Tft.drawString(“Temperature”, 160, 40, 2, BLACK, orientation);

char tempC[5]; // Buffer big enough for 7-character float

dtostrf(tempCelcius, 3, 1, tempC); // Leave room for too large numbers!

Tft.drawString( tempC, 140, 65, 4, BLUE, orientation);

Tft.drawString( “O”, 120, 65, 2, BLACK, orientation);

Tft.drawString( “C”, 90, 65, 4, BLACK, orientation);

char tempF[5]; // Buffer big enough for 7-character float

dtostrf(tempFh, 4, 1, tempF); // Leave room for too large numbers!

Tft.drawString( tempF, 140, 100, 4, BLUE, orientation);

Tft.drawString( “O”, 120, 100, 2, BLACK, orientation);

Tft.drawString( “F”, 90, 100, 4, BLACK, orientation);


void draw_voltage(float voltage)


Tft.drawRectangle(155, 5, 65,310,BLUE);

Tft.drawRectangle(156, 6, 65,310,BLUE);

Tft.drawString(“Voltage”, 200, 160, 2, BLACK, orientation);

char voltC[5]; // Buffer big enough for 7-character float

dtostrf(voltage, 3, 1, voltC); // Leave room for too large numbers!

Tft.drawString( voltC, 140, 180, 4, BLUE, orientation);

Tft.drawString( volt, 70, 180, 3, BLACK, orientation);


void clear_display()


Tft.fillScreen(0, 240, 0, 320, WHITE);
