I built the subject project as given in Hack Space Issue #36 by MrPJevans.
I am thinking of interfacing the respeaker RPi4 to an Arduino I use for another project.
It looks like I only have 2 means of interface on the RPi4 – GPIO12 and I2C.
Where would I go for technical info on how to use either of these interfaces on the respeaker RPi4 to communicate with the Arduino?
You want interface theReSpeaker 4-Mic Array to Arduino? FYI ReSpeaker 4-Mic Array for Raspberry Pi is a quad-microphone expansion board for Raspberry Pi designed for AI and voice applications and not compatble with arduino boards.
I use Raspberry Pi OS 64-bit. Flash it onto your boot drive, plug everything in, finish setup and updates, open the browser and log into the Zoom web client. Everything should be plug and play, if not, run sudo apt-get update and if you’re using the raspberry pi camera, remember to enable it in raspi-config.