Hi there,
i bought the t1000e a week ago
i used it for meshtastic - i have 3 nodes here
2 raks and 1 tbeam
i tested if with all firmwares from 2.4 to 2.5.9
threre seems to be a problem with reeving messages
it cant get messages … defect?
i tried contact support - no one answer.
can someone help ? i tried to erase firmware - change settings
configuration … nothing work …
please help
the best help i can offer is to not force unapproved firmware onto the device
i tried all the meshtastic firmware - with delete firmware on device before
still not working …
its seems like defect with receiving
what should i do ?
try attaching and removing the magnetic usb power cord several times fast (double click) while plugged in and see if it causes a reset
dunno if reset can help … i already deleted the firmware 10 times and tried few … i think there is some loose connection so its very random …
mostly not working… sometime i can see the message but its only if the node is 5 meters away…
There is a known issue with one other chipset (sx1276). Do you know what is in your Rak’s? Some models of TBeam are known to see the problem.
my Rak is wisblock 19003
i notice when its 1 hop away sometime message recievd sometimes not
and the nodes are next to me …
made few more tests , seems the t1000e have some of defect - it does not get messages 1 hop from him . also when its online set as client - other nodes also set as client not working good be because it does not pass the pcakets as it should … i tried firmware from 2.5.6 to 2.5.10 all the same , also tried diffrent configurations / difrent nodes … same problem ,… im not sure if its my device have defect or also others . can anyone try replicate the error i have please ? thanks in advance.
try joining the Seeed Meshtastic Discord Server
Has there been any update on this issue? I was excited for this device and just received my first one with the expectation to order a lot more. But this issue is a real show-stopper for me. I have a number of nodes based on T-Beams that can’t talk with the T1000E.