Hi there,
i bought the t1000e a week ago
i used it for meshtastic - i have 3 nodes here
2 raks and 1 tbeam
i tested if with all firmwares from 2.4 to 2.5.9
threre seems to be a problem with reeving messages
it cant get messages … defect?
i tried contact support - no one answer.
can someone help ? i tried to erase firmware - change settings
configuration … nothing work …
please help
the best help i can offer is to not force unapproved firmware onto the device
i tried all the meshtastic firmware - with delete firmware on device before
still not working …
its seems like defect with receiving
what should i do ?
try attaching and removing the magnetic usb power cord several times fast (double click) while plugged in and see if it causes a reset
dunno if reset can help … i already deleted the firmware 10 times and tried few … i think there is some loose connection so its very random …
mostly not working… sometime i can see the message but its only if the node is 5 meters away…
There is a known issue with one other chipset (sx1276). Do you know what is in your Rak’s? Some models of TBeam are known to see the problem.
my Rak is wisblock 19003
i notice when its 1 hop away sometime message recievd sometimes not
and the nodes are next to me …
made few more tests , seems the t1000e have some of defect - it does not get messages 1 hop from him . also when its online set as client - other nodes also set as client not working good be because it does not pass the pcakets as it should … i tried firmware from 2.5.6 to 2.5.10 all the same , also tried diffrent configurations / difrent nodes … same problem ,… im not sure if its my device have defect or also others . can anyone try replicate the error i have please ? thanks in advance.
try joining the Seeed Meshtastic Discord Server
Has there been any update on this issue? I was excited for this device and just received my first one with the expectation to order a lot more. But this issue is a real show-stopper for me. I have a number of nodes based on T-Beams that can’t talk with the T1000E.
Is there any update concerning this issue?
I am facing the same problem with the 2.5.21 firmware and a T-beam.
i am not having any problems… what code are you on? location?
Same here, just received T1000e today, I can send messages, I see them as “Waiting to be acknowledged”, But they are already received on my other nodes. basically T1000e is deaf for all incomming packets, for me it looks like in code there is wroing rx pin set, or idk. I tried latest fw’s no fix, currently, same issue.
what region code are you using?
I’m using European Union 868MHz (EU_868)
I am also using EU_868
interesting… double check that both sender and reciever are on the same code
also make sure you are using the same modem preset default is Long Fast
Ok i got some progress here.
I put the new firmware 2.5.22 (bleeding), and now the T1000e detects the T-Beam and i am able to send and receive messages.
I have also changed long-moderate instead of long-fast.
I will perform more tests to confirm, i will let you know.
Thanks for your support