Switchbot and Wio Terminal

Hi sleepin6

Please don’t set the doConnect = true, if you set true, then whatever you have no connected the device it will display connected device.

static boolean doConnect = false;
static boolean connected = false;

retry it again. meanwhile, open the debug sent me the log.

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Hi! Thank you.
I get the same:

11:21:12.715 -> BATT Device found: Name: , Address: 30:32:90:2e:39:c8
11:21:12.750 -> new BLEAdvertisedDevice
11:21:12.750 -> new BLEAdvertisedDevice done
11:21:12.750 -> Forming a connection to 30:32:90:2e:39:c8
11:21:12.750 -> - Created client
11:21:12.820 -> BLE Advertised Device found: Name: , Address: 18:4b:8a:df:90:60
11:21:12.890 -> BLE Advertised Device found: Name: , Address: 0b:1c:86:86:8c:59, serviceUUID:
11:21:15.085 -> - Connected to server
11:21:19.654 -> ScanCallback: GAP_MSG_LE_CONN_UPDATE_IND: conn_id 0, conn_interval_max 0x18, conn_interval_min 0x6, conn_latency 0x0,supervision_timeout 0x190
11:21:19.654 ->
11:21:30.151 -> Failed to find our service UUID: cba20d00-224d-11e6-9fb8-0002a5d5c51b
11:21:30.185 -> We have failed to connect to the server; there is nothin more we will do.
11:21:30.185 -> …

Hi Sleepin6

I am trying to test Wio terminal to connect to the 3rd party device without authentication, well, there is some similar problem as you sent, I will solve it and update the code ASAP, if necessary, we may need to remote control your device to check out the problem if you don’t mind.

best regards

Sure! Thank you for your time!

Hi there. Probably my bad. Stucked here. It does not work with the new libs :weary:

Hi Sleepin6

Please make sure you have updated all the library and the latest firmware, also please sent me the monitor massage and your code.

Thanks for your time. Here we go… Done in 2 WIOs. Updated firmware and erased libraries, an reloaded new ones. Same result. (Not working). Tried to comunicate with other devices (all are working with nRF Connect and other devices). No result.
Scan Wifi and BLE works with the example.

Here is the code:

I have done similar test with other devices. :cry: And I really like how fast wio terminal uploads the code.

Hi Sleepin6

Sorry to hear about it, I will retry it again, coz recently we are testing the WIFI on Wio terminal, probably the new firmware still affecting the BLE, I will update the firmware or library soon, just make sure the WIFI and BLE both can be mutually compatible.

Best regards