I have been looking through all of the examples for the Spartan Edge accelerator Board found at this Github Repository.
There has been a point of confusion for me, in that the constraint file for the MIPI to HDMI example’s constraint file has the IOSTANDARD settings configured for the camera cable to either LVDS_25
or HSUL_12
. To my understanding, the IOSTANDARD setting does not adjust the output voltage of the FPGA, but instead is just to tell the FPGA what the corresponding voltages are being provided on the VCCo port (as seen here: https://forums.xilinx.com/t5/Welcome-Join/What-s-IOstandard/m-p/737197/highlight/true#M41875).
However, the SEA board does not appear to have any 1.2V or 2.5V connections to VCCo lines, and the post that I linked above suggests that setting the wrong IOSTANDARD can potentially damage the device.
Could someone please clarify the purpose of the why the constraint file is configured this way?