Software on module


If I buy the bare module does it have the base code that the module on the demo board has? Or do I need to program it with known software?
Should I be able to send at commands to a module soldered onto my own PCB?

If you buy the chipset alone I would not expect it to be flashed with the AT firmware ! If you buy it from SeeedStudio they can perhaps arrange to flash them before shipping but you would have to check with customer service :wink:

Ok thanks,
Is the code available on the website to program on to the module?

nope the AT firmware is closed one and only SeeedStudio can flash it at factory :frowning: The firmware file is not avalaible for flashing by yourself (which is an issue if you delete this fw and still needs it in device !)

This is the reply I got from Technical support.

The same AT firmware is also available on the lora-e5 module, and you can operate it using the same AT command.

Seeed Technical Support Team

What does it mean? Where is the compiled firmware for lora-e5? I donā€™t find it anywhere.

Well they obviously didā€™nt understand your question, But the answer has always been the same with these Proprietary software on ā€œopenā€ hardwareā€¦
This to me is the stupidest thing in the LORA eco.
the use of AT commands have been around since the Hayes modem 1200 baud of the 80ā€™s
the software thatā€™s embedded is all they can claim, and Iā€™m betting itā€™s all forked (copied) from others.
Iā€™m betting thereā€™s very, very little of proprietary code in there.
Its one of the main reasons I have resisted LORA.
What sucx, is NO Answers not just here either other providers for lora and wifi chips (ewLink) donā€™t offer factory bins, open source my A$$. I feel itā€™s because they donā€™t know or have any , they are just following the heard.

RANT OFFā€” :-p
I have NOT purchased any LORA and will NOT, until this is clearer path forward.
Iā€™ll spectate. Such a great technology with much promise. IMO
GL :slight_smile: