I use a SMS connection on my linkit board. The connection run and after few minutes i’m not able to receive and send sms. Afetr,I am obliged to reboot the board for receive SMS
have you a solution for my problem?
And i have an another question. How can i reboot the board in software?
thank’s for answers
Sorry for my bad english, i’m french…
December 15, 2014, 8:09am
Hi, please try the code attach.
This code is for AT command to control GSM of LinkIt ONE, you can make voice phone call, write/read a SMS and so on.
AT_CMD_Arduino should put to libraries folder of Arduino, such as D:\LinkIt-ONE-IDE\libraries
Upload AT_GSM to LinkIt ONE, then open serial monitor
Input “AT+SHOWCMD” to get the AT command
Please have a try, and tell me if it’s work, thanks~
LinkIt_AT.zip (60.6 KB)
thanks for the answer
but i’m sorry because the AT command doesn’t work… Look my attachement
December 20, 2014, 3:25pm
Hi, did you send a new line at the end of command(\r\n or \n), it’s needed.
yes when i sent CR: carriage return, it is equivalent to \r
I think i meet the same problem: no more incoming SMS after some time.
Only a hard reset is ok to retablish a good working state.
Have you find another solution ? have you alway the same problem ?
I"m French too. using Free network.
With the latest SDK and the firmare 1.1.05, all problem are solved!