Smallest Arduino Boards - Seeed Studio XIAO Explained

The tiniest and most versatile Arduino-compatible boards: the Seeed Studio XIAO series. From the original XIAO SAMD21 all through the ESP32-based XIAO boards to the latest XIAO MG24, I’ll explore their features, differences, and ideal use cases in under 500 seconds. Well, the overview part is under 500 seconds anyway :wink:

Hi there,

So did you watch it? He’s a sales guy who has no clue about the true state of the Xiao ecosystem. I roasted him in the comments. Everything he covered is on the WiKi anyway. :-1:
Seeed should make there own video covering the History and future, show some REAL examples. This video isn’t it. IMO.
GL :slight_smile: PJ :v:

the MG24 is the worst Xiao and IMO not worthy of the moniker


I didnt like the fact that in the discription his purchase links went to aliexpress instead of Seeed… What Da>

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