Sketch Upload Problem

I’ve searched around quite a bit and can’t seem to find a solution to my problem.

I have the Arduino IDE version 0022 and a Seeeduino v1.1. When I attempt to upload a sketch I’m getting the following errors:

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync: resp=0x7a
avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error, expect=0x14, resp=0xf8

I’ve tried several different board types within the IDE, but the result is the same (but the error differs slightly in the resp values)

What board type should I be using? Are there any tricks using Win 7 x64? (I already did the reload drivers as suggested on the Arduino site.)

FYI, this board was working fine, but it has been probably about 2 years since I have used it (and an entire operating system ago)

Help is appreciated!

Hi Sailing_Nut,

Thank you for posting your problem here.
That’s really strange, does your seeeduino v1.1 can work with lower version Arduino IDE?
And I believe you have toggle the M_RST_A switch to A side.
Please select the “Arduino Diecimila, Duemilanove, or Nano w/ ATmega168” in board menu.

And please check out the following points:
1, does the LED L(connect to pin 13) flash serial times while upload the sketch?
2, does the LED L(connect to pin 13) flash serial times while insert the USB?
3, does the LED RST(near the reset button) “dim” flash serial time while upload sketch?
4, does the LED RST(near the reset button) “dim” flash serial time while insert the USB?


We are really happy it is working 2 years… :laughing:

I actually found the problem, but was too lazy to post it back here! :laughing:

I had an LCD plugged in and I had it using pins 0 & 1 which was messing up the serial communications.

Now it’s on to debugging the LCD! :blush:

Good luck!! :smiley: